中国贵州省波蚱属3新种记述(直翅目: 短翼蚱科)






Three New Species of the Genus Bolivaritettix Gunther from Guizhou Province,China (Orthoptera:Metrodoridae)

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    记述采自中国贵州省波蚱属昆虫3新种,即拟西蒇波蚱Bolivaritettix paratibetanis sp.nov.、长跗波蚱Bolivaritettix dolichotarsus sp.nov.和齿背波蚱Bolivaritettix dentanota sp.nov.。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所及河北大学博物馆。


    In this paper,three new species of the genus Bolivaritettix Gunther:Bolivaritettix paratibetanis sp.nov.,Bolivaritettix dolichotarsus sp.nov. and Bolivaritettix dentanotasp.nov. are described. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Shaanxi Normal University and the Museum of Hebei University.Bolivaritettix paratibetanis sp.nov.(Fig.1)This new species is allied to Bolivaritettix tibetanis Zheng,2005, but differs in: 1)width of vertex slightly wider than an eye; 2)anterior margin of vertex straight; 3)in profile, vertex and frontal ridge forming obtuse rounded; 4)width of frontal ridge which between antennae narrower than the width of coxa; 5)length of middle segment of antenna 4-5 times its width; 6)humeral angle obtuse angular; 7)hind process only reaching knee of hind femur; 8)hind wing reaching middle of hind femur; 9) lower margin of midfemur wave like; 10) width of midfemur as width as elytra.Length of body: ♂7 mm,♀9 mm; length of pronotum: ♂6.0 mm,♀8.5 mm; length of hind femur:♂4.5 mm, ♀6.0 mm.Holotype ♀, Guizhou: Rongjiang, 108°6′E, 25°9′N, 14-Sept.-2005, collected by SHI Fu-min; paratype 1♂,same data as holotype. Bolivaritettix dolichotarsus sp.nov.(Fig.2)This new species is allied to Bolivaritettix javanicus (Bolivar,1909) and Bolivaritettix huanjiangensis Zheng et Jiang,1995. It differs from both in: 1)width of vertex 1.5 times of an eye; 2)in profile, frontal ridge concave before lateral ocellus; 3)hind margin of subgenital plate of female with three teeth.It differs from the former in: 1)in profile, upper margin ofpronotum slightly convex before shoulders; 2)length of first segment of hind tarsus as long as the third. It differs from the latter in: 1)lateral keels of prozona contract behind; 2)width of midfemur larger than the width of elytra; 3)lower margin of midfemur straight.Length of body:♂9.5-10.0 mm,♀10 mm; length of pronotum: ♂11-12 mm,♀11 mm; length of hind femur:♂6.0-6.5 mm;♀7.5 mm.Holotype♂, Guizhou,Rongjiang, 108°6′E, 25°9′N, 14-Sept.-2005, collected by SHI Fu-min; paratype 1♀, same data as holotype.Bolivaritettix dentanota sp.nov.(Fig.3)This new species is allied to Bolivaritettix circinihumerus Zheng,2003,but differs in: 1)disc of pronotum with numerous tubercles; 2)in profile, with a deep sulcus in the middle of convex of pronotum; 3)lateral margins of pronotum behind shoulders contracted gradually; 4)length of pronotum 4.7 times the length which surpass the top of hind femur; 5)width of midfemur narrower than the width of elytra; 6)width of subgenital plate of female larger than its length.Length of body:♀14 mm; length of pronotum:♀15 mm; length of hind femur:♀8.5 mm.Holotype ♀,Guizhou,Rongjiang,108°6′E, 25°9′N,14-Sept.-2005,collected by SHI Fu-min.


郑哲民,石福明.中国贵州省波蚱属3新种记述(直翅目: 短翼蚱科)[J].华中农业大学学报,2010,29(6):667-680

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  • 收稿日期:2010-07-08
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