Page 116 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2024年第1期
P. 116

110                            华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)                                 (总169 期)

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                       The Influence of Water-Saving Technologies Adoption and the

                                      Value Perception on Farmers’ Income

                                                  DONG Kai,MU Yueying

                    Abstract  The adoption of agricultural technology not only bears relevance to farmers’ grain pro⁃
                duction capacity but also holds the potential to impact their cost-benefit outcomes and overall household
                income. From a micro perspective this study conducts an analysis of farmers who have embraced modern
                agricultural water-saving techniques while perceiving the value of such technology. The empirical investi⁃
                gation employs an endogenous transformation model to explore the impact and mechanism of technology
                adoption and value perception on farmers’ income. The primary findings are as follows. Firstly, there is
                a significant positive correlation between farmers’ labor input and their level of technological awareness
                concerning the adoption and perception of water-saving techniques. Secondly, among those who perceive
                the value of water⁃saving technology adoption,variations exist in the influence of farmers’ personal char⁃
                acteristics on household agricultural and non-agricultural income.Thirdly, farmers’positive perception of
                technology adoption and labor value contributes to the growth of both household agricultural and non-
                agricultural income. Therefore, the authors propose several policy implications.At first,it is necessary to
                include agricultural support policies so as to further promote water⁃saving technologies and improve sub⁃
                sequent technical support services.Then,efforts should be made to bolster the accumulation of human
                capital among rural labor forces. Moreover, policy measures should be formulated focusing on differenti⁃
                ated water-saving technology promotion.
                    Key words  water-saving technology adoption;value perception;agricultural income;off-farm in⁃

                                                                                         (责任编辑:王  薇)
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