Page 121 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2022年第1期
P. 121
第 1 期 李红莉 等: 增产是否增收? ———基于粮食主产区设立的准自然实验研究 1 1 5
MoreGrainProduction MoreIncome ?
——— Em p iricalEvidenceFromthePolic yofMa j orGrainProducin gAreas
LIHon g li , ZHANGJunbiao , TONG Qin g men g
Abstract Increasin gg rainp roductionandincreasin gincomearetwoim p ortantg oalsofthe
p olic yofma j or g rainp roducin gareas.Previousstudiesfocusedonthecontributionofthep olic yof
ma j or g rainp roducin g areastoincreasin gg rainp roduction.However , whethertoachieveanincrease
inincomewhileachievin ganincreaseing rainp roductionhasnotbeeng ivensufficientattention.
Therefore , thearticlere g ardstheestablishmentof13ma j or g rainp roducin g areasin2004asa q uasiG
naturalex p eriment.Basedonthep aneldataof31China ’ sp rovincesobtainedfrom1997to2018 ,
thisp a p ers y stematicall y investi g atestheeffectsofthe p oliciesa pp liedinma j or g rainp roducin g areG
asonfarmers ’ incomeb ydifferenceGinGdifferencemethod.Theconclusionsareasfollows.The p oliG
c yofthema j or g rainp roducin g areashasasi g nificant p ositiveeffectonfarmers ’ householdincome ,
buthasasi g nificantne g ativeeffectontheirwa g eincome.S p ecificall y com p aredwithnonGma j or
g rainp roducin g areas , the p olic yofthemaing rainp roductionareasresultedinarelativeincreaseof
455.852y uaninfarmers ’ householdincomeandarelativedecreaseof532.567y uaninwa g eincome
inthe13 ma j org rainG p roducin gp rovinces.Theincreasin geffectoffarmers ’ householdincomeis
mainl yduetotheex p ansionofthe g rainp lantin g scaletoachievethe p olic yg oals.Onthewhole , the
p olic yofma j or g rainp roducin g areaschan g etheallocationofresourcesbetweenfarmin g andworkG
in g toachievead y namicbalanceoffarmers ’ dis p osableincome.Therefore , thisarticlebelievesthat
whilecontinuin g to p romote p oliciestounder p ina g ricultural p roductioninthemaing rainG p roducin g
re g ions , oliciestosu pp ortdiversifiedem p lo y mentofrurallabourersshouldbefurtherstren g thened
tobroadenthechannelsforfarmerstoincreasetheirincomes , andacombinationof p oliciestoconG
solidate “ increasedp roductionandincome ” shouldbe p utinp lacetoachieveastead y increaseinthe
dis p osableincomeoffarmers.
Ke ywords ma j org rainp roducin gareas ; increasin gg rainp roductionandincome ; farmers ’
householdincome ; theg rainp lantin gscale ; differenceGinGdifferencemethod
( 责任编辑: 金会平)