Page 118 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2022年第5期
P. 118

第5 期                    廖文梅 等:社会化服务能否促进农户林业生产要素的投入?                                   113

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                            The Study of the Effect of Socialized Services on Farmers’
                                              Forestry Production Factors

                        ——An investigation on Forestry Disease and Insect Pest Control and Governance Services

                                            LIAO Wenmei,WANG Lu,GAO Xueping
                       Abstract  To clarify the impact mechanism of Forestry Socialization Services(FSS)on farmers’

                  Forestry Production Factors Inputs(FPFI)and to provide a scientific basis for improving the government
                  purchases of public service supply systems,this paper uses the endogenous swtiching model to explore
                  the impact of the FSS on the FPFI of farm households with the deepening of the division of labor by
                  2031 households in 6 provinces(regions)in China. The research found that based on counterfactual as⁃
                  sumptions,the FSS significantly increased the farmers’FPFI,which was 0.0836 higher than that of the
                  group which did not use the service. Conversely,if the farmer did not use the service,their capital input
                  and labor input per mu would drop by 2.2607 and 0.4692. Further analysis suggests that the effect of
                  FSS on FPFI was region-specific. It significantly increased the rural householders’capital investment
                  per mu and labor input per mu in the Eastern Region while the opposite was true in the Western Region.
                  The relationship between capital and labor input was highly complementary in the current forestry pro⁃
                  duction with the factor substitution elasticities of 0.5210,0.4570 and 0.5960 for the overall sample,the
                  user group and the nonuser group sample respectively. The services could significantly activate the alloca⁃
                  tion level of the farmers’forestry production factor,but choosing a single social service could not
                  achieve the goal of saving funds or labor input in total. To match the requirements of the FSS,farmers
                  often increase the investment in capital and labor per mu. Therefore,the government should further im⁃
                  prove the system of the FSS,which meets the actual needs of farmers and ease the difficulties farmers
                  face in forest management.
                       Key words  socialized service;farmers;input of forestry factors;endogenous switching mode

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