Page 15 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2023年4期
P. 15

10                             华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)                                 (总166 期)


                                                      参   考   文   献

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                     Thoughts on the Construction of Knowledge System and Discourse
                                        System in the Field of Food Security

                                                   LI Xiaoyun,QING Ping

                    Abstract  Building an independent knowledge system and discourse system in the field of food se⁃
                curity is an essential part of accelerating the construction of the three systems of philosophical and social
                sciences with Chinese characteristics,as well as crucial dialogue tools for the world to understand China
                and build a community of with a shared future for mankind.The theory and practical paths in the field of
                food security in China provide guidance and a broad background for constructing a food security knowl⁃
                edge system with Chinese characteristics,conducting theoretical innovation,and forming an academic and
                international discourse system of food security.At the same time,the challenges faced by China in food
                security urgently require the consolidation of the food security knowledge system and the guidance of in⁃
                novative theoretical practices.This article discusses in refining theoretical innovations,consolidating the
                knowledge system,and constructing discourse system for food security with typical Chinese culture and
                values and with logic consistency between theory and practice.
                    Key words  food security; the Greater Food approach;independent knowledge base;discourse sys⁃
                tem;socialism with Chinese characteristics

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