Page 15 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2022年第3期
P. 15

第3 期                            宋洪远 等:土地制度安排与城镇化进程                                      9

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                               Land System Arrangement and Urbanization Process

                               ——A Comparative Analysis Based on China and Latin American Countries

                                                  SONG Hongyuan,JIANG Fan
                       Abstract  Urbanization is an inevitable course way to realize modernization,and reasonable land

                  system arrangement can promote the development of urbanization.The paper starts from the analysis of
                  the urbanization trap in Latin American countries,and finds that the high urbanization rate which does not
                  match the level of economic development,the highly concentrated land problem,the seriously lagging so⁃
                  cial security system,and the development concept of pursuing short-term economic growth,have given
                  rise to a series of economic,social,and environmental problems that are interrelated and continuous,and
                  difficult to reverse,and have profoundly affected the urbanization process and sustainable development of
                  Latin American countries.Then it proceeds to expounds the impact of land system arrangements in differ⁃
                  ent periods on China’s urbanization process.Through the research on the relationship between land sys⁃
                  tem arrangement and urbanization,it can be found that land system arrangement in China is of great sig⁃
                  nificance in crossing the urbanization trap.By comparative analysis,it can be realized that China has em⁃
                  barked on a new human-centered urbanization path,which includes staying true to the people-oriented ap⁃
                  proach,promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas,deepening the reform of the land
                  system and strengthening the construction of social security system.
                       Key words  land system;urbanization;people oriented;modernization

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