Page 93 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2022年第5期
P. 93

88                             华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)                                 (总161 期)

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                      The Impact of Great Famine Experience on Farmers Green Pro⁃

                          duction Technology Selection Choice:Positive or Negative?

                                                 LI Fenni,ZHANG Junbiao
                    Abstract  Based on imprinting theory and survey data from 1058 households in Hubei Province,

                this paper analyzes the impact of great famine experience on farmers green production technology selec⁃
                tion choice. It is found that Great famine experience has a negative effect on farmers green production
                technology selection choice. There are heterogeneous effects of great famine experience on farmers green
                production technology selection choice. Compared to men,famine experience has a greater negative im⁃
                pact on women. It has inhibitory effect on the selection of risk-increasing and knowledge-intensive tech⁃
                nologies,such as improved seed and integrated pest management technology. However,it plays a pro⁃
                moting role in the selection of risk-mitigating and non-knowledge-intensive technologies,such as com⁃
                prehensive utilization of livestock manure. The impact of great famine experience materializes through
                farmers’risk aversion,human capital accumulation and social trust level and varies among farmers who
                experience the famine at different stages. Therefore,suggestions are put forward in term of mitigating
                farmers’risk aversion,strengthening human capital,and increasing the level of social trust.
                    Key words    great famine experience;imprinting theory;green production;technology selection;

                multivariate probit model

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