Page 78 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2024年第1期
P. 78

72                             华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)                                 (总169 期)

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                       Effects of Environmental Pollution on Cropland Abandonment

                                   from the Perspectives of Air,Water and Soil

                                   ——Evidence from the China Labor−force Dynamics Survey

                                          ZHANG Pengjing,XIONG Tao,ZHU Hou

                    Abstract  Cropland abandonment poses a significant threat to China’s food security.It holds para⁃
                mount importance for the Chinese people to secure their food supply by maintaining the prescribed 1.8
                billion mu of cropland and fostering sustainable agricultural development.From the perspectives of air,
                water,and soil,based on the panel data of China Labor Dynamics Survey (CLDS) from 2014 to 2018 and
                environmental pollution data of prefecture-level cities,we conducted an empirical investigation into the
                effect of environmental pollution on cropland abandonment and its micro-impact mechanism by using
                two-way  fixed-effects  model  and  instrumental  variables,and  finally  explored  the  heterogeneous  ef⁃
                fects of environmental pollution on cropland abandonment among different groups of farmers.The study’
                s  findings  are  as  follows. Firstly,environmental  pollution  has  a  significant  positive  impact  on  cropland
                abandonment,and this outcome remains robust after undergoing a battery of tests.Secondly,mechanism
                analysis  reveals  that  environmental  pollution  substantially  reduces  crop  yields  and  significantly  elevate
                health risks for the labor force,ultimately rendering farmers to abandon cropland.Thirdly,heterogeneity
                analysis demonstrates that environmental pollution significantly heightens cropland abandonment among
                food crop growers and elderly farmers,with major sectors of Chinese agricultural production being par⁃
                ticularly susceptible to its effects.Government departments should take into account cropland abandon⁃
                ment when assessing the effect of environmental pollution on agricultural production.Neglecting the im⁃
                pact of environmental pollution on cropland abandonment will lead to a significant underestimation of the
                decline in agricultural production attributed to environmental pollution.
                    Key words   environmental pollution; cropland abandonment; crop yield; health risk

                                                                                         (责任编辑:王  薇)
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