Page 33 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2024年第1期
P. 33

第1 期              高  鸣 等:新一轮千亿斤粮食产能提升的源泉:全要素生产率的增长与贡献                                  27

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                       The Source of the New Round of Hundred Billion Catty Grain Pro⁃
                        duction Capacity Improvement:The Growth and Contribution of

                                                Total Factor Productivity

                                                    GAO Ming,WEI Jiashuo

                       Abstract  The implementation of the new round of hundred billion catty grain production capacity
                  improvement action relies heavily on the growth of total factor productivity(TFP) by strengthening sci⁃
                  entific and technological innovation and institutional innovation,which is the basic compliance with the
                  theory of economic growth,the historical experience of increasing grain production in China,and the in⁃
                  evitable requirement for accelerating the construction of an agricultural powerhouse.During the previous
                  round of grain production capacity improvement(2009− 2020),the TFP of wheat,rice and corn,the
                  three major grain crops in China,showed an overall growth trend,with TFP contributing more than 50%
                  to output growth.However,compared to others,the growth rate and contribution of rice TFP were rela⁃
                  tively slow and low.There are significant differences in TFP growth between different regions and differ⁃
                  ent farmers,especially in non-food production areas and small-scale grain farmers,where the contribution
                  of TFP to output growth needs to be improved.Therefore,in the future,it is necessary to follow the new
                  development concept,improve the quality and fragmentation degree of cultivated land,accelerate techno⁃
                  logical innovation in the frontiers of grain seed industry,promote the high-quality development of agricul⁃
                  tural mechanization,improve the agricultural technology promotion system and establish a sound mecha⁃
                  nism for protecting the income of grain farmers,helping TFP play a more important role in promoting the
                  increase of grain production capacity.
                       Key words  grain production capacity improvement; grain security; total factor productivity; tech⁃
                  nological progress

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