Page 16 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2024年4期
P. 16

第4 期                     朱梦珂 等:中国农村区域发展的南北差异及其驱动力分析                                    11

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                                   Regional Disparity and Driving Forces Analysis

                                             of Rural Development in China

                                             ZHU Mengke, KE Xinli, YANG YinLing

                       Abstract  Based on the panel data of rural regional development indicators of China from 2010 to
                  2019,this paper uses entropy-TOPSIS model,population weighted variation coefficient and the quadratic
                  assignment procedure (QAP) respectively to investigate the factual,structural and driving characteristics
                  of the North-South disparities in rural regional development in China.The results show that the rural re⁃
                  gional development is consistent with regional development evolution in China,showing a trend of widen⁃
                  ing North-South disparities.The findings are as follows.1) Factual characteristics:The development level
                  of rural areas in China is generally improving,but the typical characteristics of “stronger in the South and
                  weaker in the North” and the evolution characteristics of “faster in the South and slower in the North”
                  are further highlighted.2) Structural characteristics:On the one hand,the regional disparities in rural re⁃
                  gional  development  in  China  have  declined  over  all. On  the  other  hand,the  existing  disparities  mainly
                  stem from internal disparities in the northern regions,with the contribution of the disparities between the
                  north and the south to the overall disparities significantly increasing.3) Driving characteristics:The devel⁃
                  opment of rural areas in China is primarily driven by external factors,with the driving forces of the North-
                  South  disparities  in  rural  development  being  industrial  upgrading>urbanization>marketization  >  re⁃
                  source endowment.
                       Key words  rural regional development; regional disparity between the north and the south; re⁃
                  gional disparity; resource endowment

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