Page 36 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2022年第5期
P. 36

第5 期                  吴高辉 等:接续推进乡村振兴中的社会政策发展路径与动力机制                                    31

                  [41] 黄承伟 . 从脱贫攻坚到乡村振兴的历史性转移——基于理论视野和大历史观的认识与思考[J]. 华中农业大学学报(社会科学
                  [42] 习近平.完整准确全面贯彻新发展理念 确保“十四五”时期我国发展开好局起好步[N].人民日报,2021-01-30(1).

                        The Development Path and Driving Mechanism of Social Policy in
                                            Continuing Rural Revitalization

                                                     WU Gaohui,ZHU Kan
                       Abstract  Eliminating absolute poverty in rural areas does not mean the elimination of income gap,

                  social security gap,and basic public service gap between urban and rural areas.How to improve the rural
                  social policy system in the process of rural revitalization has become a fundamental issue for solidifying
                  the achievement of poverty alleviation,and also a mechanism issue for continuing the rural revitalization.
                  From the perspective of the relationship between poverty governance policies,this paper explores the
                  evolution,development momentum and future directions of rural poverty alleviation policies and rural so⁃
                  cial policies.On the basis of case analysis,the study concluded that poverty politicization is the core fac⁃
                  tor,and poverty alleviation as a political task can mobilize various resources including economic policies,
                  social policies,and administrative means to present the paradox coexistence of poverty alleviation policies
                  and social policies.In addition,the development of social policy in the practice of poverty alleviation by
                  party building reflects the dual path of realizing economic development and promoting social fairness and
                  justice.Its essence is the process of transforming the political potential energy of poverty control by the
                  central government into the efficiency of rural social governance. Moreover,this process embodies the
                  ideological,authoritative and interest-integrating dynamics of rural social policy development through the
                  path of value publicity,organization embedding and resource input,and lays a structural foundation for
                  the construction of urban and rural basic public service system. The innovation lies in the fact that it
                  grasps the fundamental issue of consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and promoting rural revi⁃
                  talization,and responds to it from the perspective of social policy.
                       Key words  rural social policy;rural revitalization;poverty reduction; poverty alleviation by Party
                  building;comprehensive governance

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