Page 42 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2022年第5期
P. 42

第5 期                       贺东航:寻找不确定时代中的疫情治理:困境与出路                                     37

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                             Finding Epidemic Governance in the Era of Uncertainty:
                                                Dilemmas and Ways Out

                                                         HE Donghang

                       Abstract  The development of human society has been entering an era of uncertainty nowadays,

                  and the recurring outbreaks of COVID-19 since the end of 2019 have made the uncertainty of social de⁃
                  velopment more pronounced. This paper takes three uncertainties in the Covid governance in Shanghai in
                  2022 as an example to analyze the characteristics beyond common perception. It is argued that the exist⁃
                  ing mindset of“seeking stability”must be changed in the era of uncertainty and the thinking mode of re⁃
                  silient governance, differentiation, autonomy, and multi-line development concept must be established.
                  At the same time, emergency strategies and mechanisms must be adapted to the changing circumstances
                  in order to face the challenges in the volatile future.
                       Key words  the era of uncertainty; epidemic governance; challenge; emergency incidents

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