Page 63 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2022年第5期
P. 63

58                             华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)                                 (总161 期)

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                         Focusing on the Task:Research on the Holistic Deployment
                                 Mechanism of County Establishment Resources

                                                        LI Yuanzhen

                    Abstract  On the premise of controlling the total amount of establishment resources, how to revi⁃
                talise the stock of establishment resources, enhance the efficiency of establishment resources utilization,
                and achieve integrated deployment and dynamic adjustment of establishment resources through internal
                allocation, is an important direction of the current institutional establishment management reform. Field
                research has revealed that S county in Zhejiang has introduced an innovative and systematic reform path
                of establishment management, which is“mapping the bottom figure-performance evaluation-overall plan⁃
                ning and optimization.”It has been able to solve the multiple dilemmas such as the diversification of the
                establishment management departments, the fragmentation of the management process, and the privati⁃
                zation of the establishment interests, and realize the establishment resources holistic deployment through
                the establishment management department coordination, closed-loop process as well as the holistic opti⁃
                mization. Compared with the fragmentation of the government caused by the traditional bureaucratic sys⁃
                tem based on the division of responsibilities, this holistic allocation reconstructs a new governance sce⁃
                nario, which is problem-oriented and centered on governance tasks. It is an effective exploration to solve
                the fragmentation of government that the whole governance requirements such as coordination, integra⁃
                tion and responsibility can be realized in the internal scene.
                    Key words   establishment resources;holistic deployment; bank of establishment; evaluation of es⁃

                tablishment performance

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