Page 72 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2022年第5期
P. 72

第5 期                 杨   华 等:沟通式动员:县域上下级政府间政策协商机制及其功能                                  67

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                       Communicative Mobilization:the Negotiation Between Higher and

                                      Lower Levels of Grass-roots Governments

                                                  YANG Hua,ZHANG Dandan

                       Abstract  The“incremental pressure on grass-roots governments”in the implementation of public

                  policies has led to practical difficulties such as policy adaptations and system imbalances. However,the
                  space for“incremental pressure”at the higher level is also the space for“bargaining”at the lower level.
                  There is a communication type policy mobilization between the upper and lower levels. Taking the gover⁃
                  nance practice of C County as an example,this paper constructs the analytical framework of“external
                  pressure⁃internal consensus”,analyzes the communication mechanism between the superior and subordi⁃
                  nate governments in the negotiation process,and discusses the executive consensus of the superior and
                  subordinate collaborative governance. The study found that communicative mobilization,such as objec⁃
                  tive attribution,organizational coordination,institutional feedback and differentiated incentive,has built
                  policy implementation units comprising joint responsibilities among hierarchies,internalization of main
                  responsibilities and consensus of collective action between the upper and lower levels and the upper and
                  lower policy subjects reach an implementation consensus around the common policy objectives resulting
                  in the regularization of campaign-style governance,limited mobilization of non accountability system and
                  independent space for local implementation. Communicative mobilization,as a buffer mechanism for
                  pressure transmission,has changed the policy implementation path and realized the self-adjustment and
                  institutional resilience of the pressure system.
                       Key words  grass-root governments;the negotiation between higher and lower levels;policy com⁃

                  munication;negotiation space;institutional resilience

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