Page 82 - 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2022年第5期
P. 82

第5 期                 倪坤晓 等:面向2035年的新型农村集体经济:内在逻辑和动态趋势                                  77

                  [26] 程郁,万麒雄 . 集体经济组织的内外治理机制——基于贵州省湄潭县 3 个村股份经济合作社的案例研究[J]. 农业经济问题,
                  [27] 周立,奚云霄,马荟,等 .资源匮乏型村庄如何发展新型集体经济?——基于公共治理说的陕西袁家村案例分析[J].中国农村经

                          New Rural Collective Economy for 2035:Internal Logic and Dy⁃

                                                        namic Trends

                                                     NI Kunxiao,GAO Ming

                       Abstract  Currently,it is a major social concern that how the new rural collective economy can

                  better contribute to the Rural Revitalization Strategy and promote the modernization of agricultural and
                  rural by 2035. Based on the analysis of the attribute of rural collective economic organizations as clubs,
                  the community closure of collective members and the diversification of paths,this paper constructs the
                  development logic diagram of the new rural collective economy,focusing on the game between strong
                  government intervention and free market operation,the combination of internal asset management mode
                  and external factor management mechanism,and the balance between long-term and short-term interests
                  in income distribution and collective accumulation. It is proposed that the new rural collective economy in
                  2035 will present the development concept of openness,inclusiveness,co-construction and sharing,the
                  development path of innovation and integration,mutual benefit and win-win,and the development form
                  of dynamic evolution and keeping pace with the times. In this regard,this paper believes that we should
                  formulate a long-term development plan,build a risk prevention mechanism,and scientifically determine
                  the income distribution to meet the new requirements of development.
                       Key words  new rural collective economy;club;internal logic;dynamic trend

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